Saturday, August 6, 2016



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NAME                          :  Junel Albo Olitin
DATE OF Birth           :  June 14, 2003
AGE                              : 12
GENDER                      : Male
BIRTH ORDER            : Only Child

MOTHER                     : Maricel Albo Olitin
AGE                              : 32                             
OCCUPATION            : Factory Worker – ( Nidec Philippines)
EDUCATIONAL          : College

FATHER                       : Noel Sayson Olitin
AGE                              : 32
OCCUPATION            : Security Guard - (Dubai)
EDUCATIONAL            : College


Learners Aspect Physical
          Junel Olitin is one of the successfully well-developed human being who has complete parts of a body. He’s height was also fit to his age and not one of what we so called “dwarf” because of the height.
          During his mother pregnancy, she is in the normal condition, she only felt morning sickness and she loves eating bananas in that time. Junel has no ailments or health problems when he was still a child, unless when the weather is not that good. She started to walk/ talk when he was already 1 year and 3 months old.  He preferred to eat spaghetti, hotdog, and fried chicken and he considers it as his favourite foods. His grandparents are the one who took care of him since he was 5years old, when his father left them and whiles his mother is working for his future.

Learners Social Aspect
          He is friendly but there are times that his classmates bully him. There are also times which he preferred to be alone and just play without any companions. His common playmates are his cousins, aunties, relatives and not all of his classmates. He is a naughty one, that’s why not all of his classmates want to be with him in times of bonding, but he is not loner. He is a shy type person.
            Not all times, he is allowed to play outside, unless he plays with his cousins. There are times that his grandmother also allowed him to play outside with his friends  but before his grandmother allowed him, he need to make his assignment first need to behave when he is outside.

Emotional-Moral Development

        In these, the mother of junel expects that he will behave more, friendly and excel in his studies. His mother provides his all needs although she is single mom and she show good example and good moral to her son.
          When he has a problem, He goes to his mother, for him to gain some advices coming from his mother. He also need some comfort from his mother. When he did something good that make his mother proud, his mother congratulate him and still encourage him to do it again.
          They set rules in their house to be followed by each member of the family regarding of their moral values. Junel’s mother impose rules especially in terms of their study habit, for example after school and after eating their foods they starts to study their next lesson and the mother set a time limit in watching TV. The mother gives a full support for what junels’ want to do.

Learners Cognitive Aspect

       Junel wants to play skate board, playing cell phone games, watching cartoons and many more. He is not good in answering his teachers’ question. He has also difficulties in English, Math and Science, it’s because he don’t want to study his lesson. He is not also good in memorizing his lessons that’s why most of his exams are failed. He can’t focus with his study because of that “naughty” manner he has.
 He is not one of the slow learners; he is just a naughty one that’s why he can’t focus with his studies, he can still answer his teachers question when he focuses with it.


    Based on my observation, junel was physically fit in terms of sickness, but in physical appearance, he is a little bit thin. He’s still healthy because he can freely do whatever he wanted to do.                                                            He is a little bit slow learner but it can be change if his family will support him and make some ways in helping him on his studies. I notice that he don’t want to be punished, he don’t want to hear some homily when his parents discipline him.

          In my interview and observation, I gained competence in identifying and describing the influencing factor in home environment that have an impact to students learning. I realize that school and home should have link to attain good result on the part of the child.
          I realize that there must be a full forced partnership from the home up to the school, to completely develop the learner’s social, emotional-moral, and cognitive aspect.

          I recommend that, the teacher should keep on communicating to his/her students and also to their parents regarding to their performances and to their behaviour. I also recommend that, the teacher must have a full patience, and full dedication to help their students. Have an appropriate knowledge to teach her students. If the teacher has a student which who didn’t easily get the topic, she must give it a little bit of time and focus to the student for just a moment.
          For his mother/family; I recommend that they need to keep watching/monitor junel’s performance.  They must give the student a little bit of their time, help it for every assignment and make some advices for him to be inspired every single day of his living.

My Ana lysis
          The style of parenting experienced by the learner is “authoritative”. His mother set rules to be followed and there are corresponding consequences or punishments when he breaks his mothers’ rules. And I can say that the mother possesses the characteristics of a permissive parenting. She is caring and responsible to her son. She gave time to observe the performance of her child in school. And she gives the needs of the child.

          The factor that affects to the development of the learner is the environment, because if the family guided well the learner, he will be responsible enough for the problem he faces. Through the good guidance of the teacher and parents, the learner can be responsible and humble one. And giving the full attention to the learner can help them to feel that they are secure and feel that they are important to their parents.

          There is communication between the home and school and this brought effects on the learners. The learners become responsible in his action in school because anytime and anywhere ,the teacher may report it to his parents, and the learner can acquire more learning because after the school hours, the parents make some follow up check regarding to the performances of the learner in school.

My Portfolio







My Reflection
          When I was a child, my parents also used “AUTHORIRATIVE” style of parenting. My parents were strict and firm in terms of my studies. But they are kind like me. They do not expect too much from me, because they know our weaknesses and strengths. They gave me a freedom to go out with my friends and they gave all my needs. The guided me in all my actions. Also they play a great role to develop my personality to become a good one, they teach me in a right way. It serves as my guide to become a real person- A real person who can deal and socialize with other people without any hesitation. It helps me a lot to become a better person, to continue of what I have today.
          Learning, it’s not just about the lesson I got from the school. The lessons I met every single day inside our school. But learning is also about the biggest results of what I am today, up to the smallest thing I develop when I was still a child through the help of school up to my simple home.

          As a future teacher someday, I could establish good home-school collaboration through having a communication to my pupils. I will let them to know my rules and regulation inside the class, and everything regarding to their performances. I will do my best to help them to be comfortable in my class discussion and also I motivated them to be active and participate to my class. Through this I can help the parents in moulding their child to become a better person by teaching them a good manners and right conduct. I can help them to motivate their child to perform well in school. If their child shows a misbehaviours and unnecessary actions, I will call their attention to talk their child.

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