Saturday, August 6, 2016



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NAME                          :  Junel Albo Olitin
DATE OF Birth           :  June 14, 2003
AGE                              : 12
GENDER                      : Male
BIRTH ORDER            : Only Child

MOTHER                     : Maricel Albo Olitin
AGE                              : 32                             
OCCUPATION            : Factory Worker – ( Nidec Philippines)
EDUCATIONAL          : College

FATHER                       : Noel Sayson Olitin
AGE                              : 32
OCCUPATION            : Security Guard - (Dubai)
EDUCATIONAL            : College


Learners Aspect Physical
          Junel Olitin is one of the successfully well-developed human being who has complete parts of a body. He’s height was also fit to his age and not one of what we so called “dwarf” because of the height.
          During his mother pregnancy, she is in the normal condition, she only felt morning sickness and she loves eating bananas in that time. Junel has no ailments or health problems when he was still a child, unless when the weather is not that good. She started to walk/ talk when he was already 1 year and 3 months old.  He preferred to eat spaghetti, hotdog, and fried chicken and he considers it as his favourite foods. His grandparents are the one who took care of him since he was 5years old, when his father left them and whiles his mother is working for his future.

Learners Social Aspect
          He is friendly but there are times that his classmates bully him. There are also times which he preferred to be alone and just play without any companions. His common playmates are his cousins, aunties, relatives and not all of his classmates. He is a naughty one, that’s why not all of his classmates want to be with him in times of bonding, but he is not loner. He is a shy type person.
            Not all times, he is allowed to play outside, unless he plays with his cousins. There are times that his grandmother also allowed him to play outside with his friends  but before his grandmother allowed him, he need to make his assignment first need to behave when he is outside.

Emotional-Moral Development

        In these, the mother of junel expects that he will behave more, friendly and excel in his studies. His mother provides his all needs although she is single mom and she show good example and good moral to her son.
          When he has a problem, He goes to his mother, for him to gain some advices coming from his mother. He also need some comfort from his mother. When he did something good that make his mother proud, his mother congratulate him and still encourage him to do it again.
          They set rules in their house to be followed by each member of the family regarding of their moral values. Junel’s mother impose rules especially in terms of their study habit, for example after school and after eating their foods they starts to study their next lesson and the mother set a time limit in watching TV. The mother gives a full support for what junels’ want to do.

Learners Cognitive Aspect

       Junel wants to play skate board, playing cell phone games, watching cartoons and many more. He is not good in answering his teachers’ question. He has also difficulties in English, Math and Science, it’s because he don’t want to study his lesson. He is not also good in memorizing his lessons that’s why most of his exams are failed. He can’t focus with his study because of that “naughty” manner he has.
 He is not one of the slow learners; he is just a naughty one that’s why he can’t focus with his studies, he can still answer his teachers question when he focuses with it.


    Based on my observation, junel was physically fit in terms of sickness, but in physical appearance, he is a little bit thin. He’s still healthy because he can freely do whatever he wanted to do.                                                            He is a little bit slow learner but it can be change if his family will support him and make some ways in helping him on his studies. I notice that he don’t want to be punished, he don’t want to hear some homily when his parents discipline him.

          In my interview and observation, I gained competence in identifying and describing the influencing factor in home environment that have an impact to students learning. I realize that school and home should have link to attain good result on the part of the child.
          I realize that there must be a full forced partnership from the home up to the school, to completely develop the learner’s social, emotional-moral, and cognitive aspect.

          I recommend that, the teacher should keep on communicating to his/her students and also to their parents regarding to their performances and to their behaviour. I also recommend that, the teacher must have a full patience, and full dedication to help their students. Have an appropriate knowledge to teach her students. If the teacher has a student which who didn’t easily get the topic, she must give it a little bit of time and focus to the student for just a moment.
          For his mother/family; I recommend that they need to keep watching/monitor junel’s performance.  They must give the student a little bit of their time, help it for every assignment and make some advices for him to be inspired every single day of his living.

My Ana lysis
          The style of parenting experienced by the learner is “authoritative”. His mother set rules to be followed and there are corresponding consequences or punishments when he breaks his mothers’ rules. And I can say that the mother possesses the characteristics of a permissive parenting. She is caring and responsible to her son. She gave time to observe the performance of her child in school. And she gives the needs of the child.

          The factor that affects to the development of the learner is the environment, because if the family guided well the learner, he will be responsible enough for the problem he faces. Through the good guidance of the teacher and parents, the learner can be responsible and humble one. And giving the full attention to the learner can help them to feel that they are secure and feel that they are important to their parents.

          There is communication between the home and school and this brought effects on the learners. The learners become responsible in his action in school because anytime and anywhere ,the teacher may report it to his parents, and the learner can acquire more learning because after the school hours, the parents make some follow up check regarding to the performances of the learner in school.

My Portfolio







My Reflection
          When I was a child, my parents also used “AUTHORIRATIVE” style of parenting. My parents were strict and firm in terms of my studies. But they are kind like me. They do not expect too much from me, because they know our weaknesses and strengths. They gave me a freedom to go out with my friends and they gave all my needs. The guided me in all my actions. Also they play a great role to develop my personality to become a good one, they teach me in a right way. It serves as my guide to become a real person- A real person who can deal and socialize with other people without any hesitation. It helps me a lot to become a better person, to continue of what I have today.
          Learning, it’s not just about the lesson I got from the school. The lessons I met every single day inside our school. But learning is also about the biggest results of what I am today, up to the smallest thing I develop when I was still a child through the help of school up to my simple home.

          As a future teacher someday, I could establish good home-school collaboration through having a communication to my pupils. I will let them to know my rules and regulation inside the class, and everything regarding to their performances. I will do my best to help them to be comfortable in my class discussion and also I motivated them to be active and participate to my class. Through this I can help the parents in moulding their child to become a better person by teaching them a good manners and right conduct. I can help them to motivate their child to perform well in school. If their child shows a misbehaviours and unnecessary actions, I will call their attention to talk their child.



Individual Differences and Learners Interaction

My Tools

          People are different with each other, we have our own abilities and own mind set, like the 2 pupils that I observed. KLAIRE ANN ROMERO from Ilaor Sur, Oas, Albay, a 7 years old pupil, is a very active pupil. She is good in class; she is also a fast learner. She can answer those questions that the teacher given to them. She is seated in the first row of the class. She is near enough to hear her teachers’ discussion. Klaire is a shy type pupil, humble, and clean. She has a family that can support her every time she asked to. Klaire Ann performed well inside the class.
        Marvin Cerio, Klaire’s classmate from Cabangan, Oas, Albay, a 6 years old and one of the slow learners of the class. He is a shy type pupil and he can’t write independently. He seated in the 3rd row of the class that’s why it is also one of the problem why he can’t hear the class discussion easily. Marvin is not the kind of child that is clean, perfect, brainy, but he has a good thing of what we so called “strong”. He is strong enough to face all the problems. He chooses to be their in class, to learn and make him presentable on the future. All the teachers need to do is to be patient and understanding.
        The resource teacher delivers her topic, actively and equally, considering all their differences.

My Analysis

     My observation matches with the information that Mrs. Rapirap given. The students who performed well are those students who are seated at the front because they can easily hear their teacher. And those students who are seated at the back are the one who didn’t performed and participate well. I can easily identify those students who fast learners, and slow learners because of their performance. Students who volunteering to answer, and responding to teachers directions are different to those who didn’t.
        Each pupil has their own abilities and this abilities affect their performance in class depends on the situation if they can cope it up and adjust. There is no wide gap between the fast learner and the slow learners, they don’t mind about it. There is no wide gap, because not all times, slow learners are always down, maybe in some aspects they can   lift their self up. Fast learners have also their weakness. They are all equal and fair with each other.
        The teacher used varied methods and strategies in dealing with different abilities of her pupils. She made sure that despite of their individual differences. There was a sense of cooperation in her classroom. And maintaining the good learning atmosphere by managing her pupils well and using the abilities of her pupils in a good and nice way where they can develop it properly.

My Reflection

     When I was in elementary, I can say that I did not belong in high achievers of our class but then I did not also belong in the slow learners. I can proudly say that I am in the average level and I am glad because I can cope up with the lessons and every activity given by our teachers.
        Competitions in our classroom also happened especially between the higher achievers of our class to maintain or get higher grades.
        Our teachers head aching because of our differences, it is hard for her to manage our class especially those who are slow learners, but then she really do her best in order us to learn and cope up the lessons. She also uses different method and strategies in teaching, like giving us activities where she group us and in that group there are fast learners and slow learners and that strategy really helps because everyone is cooperating to finished the activity that our teacher given. As a future teacher, I will bear in my system that no two individuals are alike; I’ll let them to use their own unique style to enhance their capabilities and to gain more knowledge.


Individual     Differences and Learners Interaction 

My Tools
1.     Find out the number of students. Gather data as to their ages, gender, racial groups, religious and ethnic backgrounds.

In grade I-2 under Mrs. Rapirap, I observed that there are 13 girls and 11 boys. Most of them are aging 6-7 and they are too naughty. They are all from Oas and has a great role to their generation- a role that can be contributed to their life. Either it is bad or good.

During Class:
1.                 How much interaction is there in the classroom? Describe how the students interact with one another and with the teacher. Are there groups that interact more with the teachers than the others.

The learners interact with one another, especially when their classmate classmates catch their attention. They also interact to their teacher when they are asked to answer the question. The learners are so attentive to react to their classmates and peers.

2.            Observe the learners seated at the back and the front part of the room. Do they behave and interact differently?

            The learners seated at the back, are quite behave but they don’t participate to the discussion. The learners seated in the front are noisy but they participate in the class discussion. Less interaction is seen to the learners at the back, teacher can’t easily catch their attention.

3.            Describe the relationship among the learners. Do the learners cooperate with or compete against each other?

            The learners completely cooperate with one another. They accept the answer of their classmates even if it is wrong. When someone can’t answer the question of the teacher, they automatically help them

4.           Which students participate actively? Which students ask for most help?

          The students who actively participate are the students who listen to their teacher. They are students who are seated in first row. The students who mostly ask for help are the students who didn’t listen to their teacher and seated at the back or 3rd row.

5.            When a student is called and cannot answer the teacher’s question, do the classmates try to help him? Or do they raise their hands so that the teacher will call them instead.

  When someone is called and cannot answer the question, the classmates help with raising their hands. They decided to help others when they are not called by their teachers.

Outside class:
1.            How do the students group themselves outside class? Homogenously, by age? By gender? By racial or ethnic groups? Or are the students in mixed social groupings? If so, describe the groupings.
The pupils, group themselves fairly even without thinking about their gender, age and financial status. There are groups busy playing outside. Some have their own small conversation especially the girls.

2.            Describe how the learners interact with each other. What do they talk about?
The learners interact with each other like a brother and sister. They usually talk about their achievements, wants, and sometimes about their toys.

Students are the most important figures in teaching. Without the students I cannot be in the classroom.
As a teacher, I must consider the individual differences of my learners. I need to love my students, whatever characteristics they have. Be fair is the most important word that I need to apply and practice to my pupils inside and outside the room.
Every student are not the same, in status of living, feelings, physical appearance, quality of understanding, mood, interaction to others and the gender. As a teacher, I will adjust and know their differences. I need to think first of what word will come out on my mouth. Consider their feelings and suggestions. Expect that a student wasn’t able to understand the teacher. The teacher must be patient and approachable. Some learners don’t have things that can help them a lot in studying, as a teacher, teachers are the one who can tell them and encourage doing their work.

My Analysis
In a classroom, we can see the different groupings of the learners. They group themselves according to their interests and likes, but still when the discussion starts, there still a leader who can answer the question first. They have also an attention seeker that makes the other students inattentive. Some students are joker- like in answering the question of their teacher; they put it in the other way. They answer their teacher with nonsense words that makes the class happy. There are also a little teacher when someone can’t answer his paper, the little teacher help him and tell what to do.
          The minority group are not completely accepted by the others, especially when it comes to physical appearance. Some students are not so presentable and clean like others, that’s why some students don’t like to be the one of his friends. Other students don’t mind their status, because they are still child to mind those things. Everyone is accepted as long as they have the same interest and they can express their ideas and feelings with each other
          The role of the teacher is that she serves as the guide to the learners in this interactions and relationships. The teacher is the one who also provide the knowledge on how to interact with each other fairly. The teacher develops the total personality of her learners for them to interact in a good and accepted ways. The teacher must be careful of every word she speaks and every action she show.

My Reflection
     When I am in the classroom, I felt the sense of cooperation and interaction between the teacher and the learners.
It’s my pleasure to observe the class. There is unity, happiness and cooperation among the class. This kind of class I want to have someday.
In the near future and become a teacher, I will make sure that there will be an interaction between pupils and teacher, and also to their peers. No discriminations and fairness will exist. I want that my learners are full of knowledge, more initiative, friendly, respectful, and open-minded. I will make this happen by simply teaching them effectively and efficiently.

Thursday, August 4, 2016



Classroom Management and Learning

My Tools

In the classroom of grade1 section1 under the advisory of Mam Dell, there are 6 boys and 9 girls and their age’s ranges into 6-7. Most of the pupils can’t handle their behaviour, and most of them are naughty and noisy. There are some pupils who have the initiative to clean their classroom after some activities, although they can’t clean it properly. Their span of attention is short; in a long period of time they begin to be bored. That’s why they are talking with their seatmates and go to one place to another. The span of their attention is too short because they always wanted to play. Their listening skills need to be reminded by their teacher.

v  Inside the classroom there are areas with specific purposes like the storage of teaching aids, books, and student belongings that are organize properly to make it easy for the teacher and students to find what they need in their discussion and activity.
            Their storage of teaching aids are placed near the window at the right side of the classroom, the books are also placed in the book shelf at the left side of the classroom, near the door.

v  There are also rules and regulations posted inside, set by the teacher that everyone should follow to have peace and order during the class. But sometimes they forget to practice this rules because of their misbehaviour.

v  Every person has his/her own daily routine like the pupils here in this class. First is having the opening prayer, second is checking of the attendance and assignment, then having a warm-up before proceeding to their discussion. The daily routine can help them to be more active and alive.

v  There is seating arrangement in the class. The basis of the arrangement is the ability of the learners. But not to the point that the fast learners will be there to the fast learners also. They are mixed and the learners enjoyed this kind of strategy. They are mixed for them also to help each other, especially the slow learners.
v  Being a grade1 pupil is very acceptable reason when they are noisy. Noise in the classroom is natural because the learners’ span of attention is too short. But the teacher does something to manage their noise, like calling their attention and ask some questions. If the learners didn’t follow those instructions or is off-task, most of the time the teacher explains that a good pupil should follow the teacher and do the task she had given. The pupils realize the right things to do and to follow.
v  To reinforce the positive behaviours of the pupils, the teacher explained the difference between right and wrong and what they must imitate to be a good person and to be love by others.
1.        The teacher does her job well, and successfully teaches those pupils who are asking for her help. She teaches them with full of willingness, love, dedication and strength.


Aspect of Classroom Management
Effect on the Learners
1.   Specific Areas in the Classroom
They are arranged, neatly & orderly for the learners.
The learners can think that  they have a lots of learning materials, for them to learn
2.  Classroom Rules
Posted clearly and legibly. The learners can easily read because of simple words used.
The learners will be more behave because of those rules and because of their punishment.
  3. Classroom Procedure

  4. Daily Routines
Done daily. It is done meaningful and full of strength and cooperation.
They learn on how to become more responsible students and creature in this entire world.
   5.Seating Arrangement
Mixed seating arrangement but they are comfortable with their seatmates
Interact with others even without hesitant even it is smart or not.
   6.Handling misbehaviour
        /off-task behaviour
Full of strength  and dedication to teach them and let them realize their wrong doings
The learners learn from their own mistake by simply talking with them.
    7.Reinforcement of
      Positive Behaviour
Promote successfully and patiently
The learners will learn a lot and can share it and apply to others.

My Analysis

      The classroom organization and routines affect the learners. It makes them responsible and applies good behaviour. Those routines can help them in such a way that sometimes they   so forgetful, but there is school they remember of what they need to do.
       The teacher should think her pupils/learners in designing the classroom organization and routines. The teacher should consider the pupils differences. She must know what are the things and posters that can help her students to learn.

My Reflection

          I am imagining myself as an adviser of grade1. As an adviser, I will make sure that my classroom is conducive to learning. I will fill it with instructional materials like books, bulletin boards, charts, pictures and others that may help me and my pupils gain more knowledge. I will implement the traditional routine, and procedures are also applied to this level. I will make them more responsible enough inside my room. Act like an educated one, not like an out of school youth. I will make sure that they are comfortable with me.
          The examples of those rules that I like to implement inside my classroom are:
·       If someone is inside the CR, they don’t need to wait outside and make some line over there-because every lesson is important, and usually they go to the CR just to skip the lesson.
·       Make their classroom like a house not a playground. Sometimes pupils are playing and running inside the classroom. Yes! They are grade1, but they should respect the classroom. So that I need to teach them a good behaviour.
·       Participate to the class- they keep on talking, drawing & writing. They need to participate because it is also for them to learn.
The learners should be involved in making the class rules because they are the one who will implement and apply these rules. They are the reason, why I made all those rules. All I want is their future and I want them to be responsible, and well-dedicated students.